1 Killed In Multi-Vehicle Crash In Kissimmee

A car accident can happen in an instant. A driver can drive recklessly or lose control, causing them to go into another lane and cause a fatal crash.
This recently happened in Kissimmee. One person was killed after a vehicle crossed a median, causing a three-vehicle crash. The fatal accident occurred on the morning of August 15 at Pleasant Hill Road and S. John Young Parkway.
A 21-year-old man was driving a BMW SUV south on Pleasant Hill Road. For unknown reasons, the BMW crossed the median and veered into northbound lanes. He hit a Chevrolet Aveo head on, which collided with a Toyota Camry. One of the vehicles overturned. The driver and passenger in the Toyota were not injured.
The other two drivers were taken to HCA Florida Osceola Hospital. The driver of the Chevy, a 56-year-old man, later died. The 21-year-old man is hospitalized and in serious condition. Two others were injured in the crash.
The crash forced Pleasant Hill traffic in both directions to pass through shopping plazas to get around. The roadway was closed for some time. The accident is still under investigation.
Causes of Head-on Accidents
A head-on collision is a full frontal accident. It occurs when the fronts of two vehicles collide, typically while going in opposite directions. A head-on crash can also occur when a vehicle drives straight into a telephone pole, road barrier, or stationary object.
With these accidents, there is a lot of force involved. This means that occupants are often seriously injured or killed.
Head-on crashes can happen in various ways. Some examples include:
- Distracted driving. Drivers need to pay attention to the road. When they are texting, reading, eating, changing the radio station, talking to passengers, or dealing with pets or children, they may cross into opposing lanes and hit other drivers head-on.
- Improper passing. If a driver crosses a double yellow line or passes when it is unsafe to do so, this may result in a head-on crash.
- Driver confusion. A confused driver may enter the wrong way down a one-way street and cause a head-on crash.
- Drunk driving. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can cause a motorist to experience a variety of effects, causing loss of control and other unsafe forms of driving.
- Fatigued driving. An overly tired driver may close their eyes or fall asleep behind the wheel.
- Reckless driving. Reckless drivers may be speeding or not following traffic laws. This behavior can cause them to enter the wrong lane and crash into vehicles or objects.
Contact Us Today
Crossing over into adjacent lanes or crossing medians is a scary situation that can lead to head-on accidents.
If you have been injured in a car accident, make sure you understand all the steps involved. The Kissimmee auto accident lawyers at Draper Law Office can help you get the compensation you need. Call (407) 743-6628 or fill out the online form to schedule a free consultation.