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Bicycle Injury Accidents in Florida

Bicycle Injury Accidents in FloridaWith its temperate weather and ideal scenery, Florida would seem to be a perfect place to get around by bicycle. Although taking a ride in a sleepy beach community may be relatively safe, most Florida roads are not idyllic for cycling. This is mostly because there is a significant lack of public transportation and biking lanes and a large number of high-speed roads which drivers must travel on when going between cities. These factors, in combination with careless driving, can have dangerous and even deadly consequences for a cyclist.

Despite the absence of safe traveling conditions in most communities, thousands of Florida bicyclist continue to use the roads to commute. Not surprisingly, this has led to numerous bicyclist injuries and fatalities on Florida roads. In a 2015 report, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that Florida had the highest rate of bicycling deaths in the country. Although Florida communities have taken measures to try to and protect cyclists, there continue to be an inordinate number of bike accidents and fatalities each year.

When Accidents Occur

When a car has an accident with a cyclist, there can be serious injuries and possibly fatalities. Some everyday situations which can result in this type of collision are a car failing to yield the right of way to a cyclist or a distracted driver failing to notice the rider until it is too late to avoid hitting them. However, there can also be incidents where a cyclist incurs injury after failing to obey traffic laws or otherwise operates their bike in an unsafe manner.

When a cyclist is injured they be entitled to compensation depending on the circumstances. Generally, the injured party will have to show that: 1) the driver had a duty to operate their vehicle safely and according to Florida law; 2) that they failed to do so; 3) this failure caused the accident; and 4) that the cyclist was injured or sustained damages because of the accident. When a collision occurs because of a driver’s failure to observe the law, the injured person can also claim the driver was negligent and seek compensation for their expenses and injuries.

Bicycle injuries from a car collision can result in significant medical expenses, lost time at work, pain and suffering, long-term or permanent injuries, and even death. If you or a loved one have been injured in a bicycle accident, it is imperative that you consult with an experienced personal injury attorney right away to protect your interests and get compensation for your damages.

Our team of experienced personal injury lawyers at the Draper Law Office have proven experience with bicycle injury cases and can give you the advice you need. Contact us online or at 866-767-4711 today to set up your free, no-obligation consultation in one of our two locations: Kissimmee, and Orlando.

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