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Can I keep my Ex’s new partner away from my children?

Can I keep my Ex's new partner away from my children?Divorce is a hard experience for families even when the parties are cooperative and amicable. Both kids and parents have to adjust after sharing their home to living life according to a visitation schedule. Another challenge may come when one or both parents decide to begin a new relationship. In some cases, you or your children may not feel comfortable with this new person and wonder: When your ex gets a new boyfriend or girlfriend, what can you do to keep this person away from your children?

When it comes to restricting whom your ex can bring around your children, you have to have a sound basis or doing so. If this person is not dangerous to your kids, it is not reasonable to expect that your children will never have to be around your former partner’s new boyfriend or girlfriend. Although your kids may have an adverse reaction to seeing their parent with someone other than their father or mother, this is something they will have to work through. You may be able to offer some support, but this is also an issue which your children may not be able to discuss with you comfortably. Many children benefit from seeing a counselor during and following their parents’ divorce. This issue may be something for your kids to address with a trained therapist.

While your children may have to get used to the other parent’s new partner, there can be limitations when that new person presents a threat to them. For instance, if your children are reporting that the new person is violent or uses drugs around them, you will need to act right away to ensure their safety. You will most likely have to return to court for an emergency hearing to get orders in place which forbid your ex from allowing this individual to be around your children. Under these circumstances, you will want to contact an experienced family law attorney immediately to discuss your concerns.

At the Draper Firm, we understand the challenges of co-parenting after divorce and dealing with new partners and your children and can help. Please contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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