Car Accidents Among The Elderly

People are living longer nowadays. This means that they are often staying independent for longer, which can be a good thing. However, when it comes to getting behind the wheel of a vehicle, it can bring about concerns.
From 2000 to 2020, the number of elderly drivers on the roadways has essentially doubled. The number of drivers ages 60-64 went from 9,914,627 to 19,293,778. Those in the 70-74-year range increased from 7,467,560 to 13,297,010. There are even more drivers in the 85+ range, from 2,050,150 to 3,992,285. Most are female drivers.
More elderly drivers on the road raises issues, though. Older drivers are more likely to get into crashes. The most common issues include failing to yield the right of way, failure to adequately view their surroundings, and misjudging another driver’s speed or distance between vehicles. For every 1,000 people involved in crashes, senior drivers are involved in 96.61 accidents. The older the senior driver, the more likely they are to cause an accident.
Seniors tend to drive during the daylight hours during the week. Statistics show that more than 70% of crash fatalities occur during the day, and 69% happen on weekdays. Almost all involved at least one other vehicle. For all drivers, June through October see the most deaths from car accidents, with the months of August and October seeing the most.
Senior citizens are more likely to die in a car accident compared to younger age groups. This is likely due to frailty, or weakness, slower reaction time, and medical complications. Across all age groups, male drivers have a higher death rate than female drivers. The highest fatalities among both male and female drivers are in the 85 and older age group. Interestingly, even though Wyoming is the least populated state, the state sees the most senior driver fatalities from car accidents.
Tips for Senior Drivers
Senior drivers can stay safe behind the wheel by doing the following:
- Plan your route. Make sure you are familiar with your route. Plan to drive during the day in dry weather. Avoid driving at night and stay away from difficult intersections.
- Check your medications. Some medications can cause drowsiness, which can affect your judgment while driving. Be aware of any side effects and don’t drive if your medication makes you tired.
- Get your vision checked. Eye problems can make driving difficult. Get your vision checked annually. If you are supposed to wear glasses, always wear them while driving.
Contact Us Today
While accidents can be caused by a driver of any age, senior citizens seem to have increased difficulty as they get older. The older the person, the higher their risk of a crash.
Have you been affected? If so, count on the Kissimmee auto accident lawyers at Draper Law Office for legal help. Our experienced team will guide you through the process. To schedule a free consultation, call (407) 743-6628 or fill out the online form.