Kissimmee Man Killed In Motorcycle Accident

Riding a motorcycle can be fun in the Florida sun but it can also be dangerous and even deadly. A sudden loss of control can cause a fatal accident. Sadly, this was recently the case in Orlando.
A 34-year-old man was killed in a crash on the morning of November 16. The Kissimmee man was riding a Kawasaki Ninja. He was heading north on Palm Parkway, near Lake Street, when he came around a curve. He lost control and crossed over into a median. The impact caused him to be ejected from the motorcycle, slamming into a light pole. The man died at the accident scene. The accident is still under investigation.
Driving on Curvy Roads
On TV commercials, you may see sports cars going effortlessly around curves. However, unless you are a professionally trained driver, curves can be tricky. You can’t go around them too fast or you will lose control. You need to avoid oversteering and understeering. Sometimes you just need to use common sense.
The man in this case lost control and died. Here’s how you can avoid that same fate.
- Understand the movement involved. When a vehicle goes around a curve, there are two types of motion happening: the vehicle accelerating and the tires moving forward, plus the inertia of the vehicle as it goes around the curve. Because these movements are conflicting, there may be skidding involved, which can be hazardous.
- Slow down. You’ll lose control if you go too fast around a curve. Look for signs warning you of a curve and go below the speed limit. Keep going slow as you go through the curve. Now is not the time to speed. The slower, the better.
- Turn as little as possible. Make it so you turn as little as possible. There’s a way to do it by moving to the side of your lane opposite of the direction of the curve. For example, when the road curves to the left, move to the right side of the lane. Do this as you move through the curve, position your vehicle towards the opposite side of your lane.
- Stay in your lane. Avoid driving out of your lane. You’ll need to keep watch for approaching drivers while going around a curve. Stay away from the center of the road or you could end up in a head-on collision. You also want to avoid doing the opposite, which is taking a curve too wide and steering off the road. Avoid over-correcting or slamming on the brakes.
Contact Us Today
Curves can be tricky for all drivers, particularly motorcyclists. Riding a motorcycle involves immense focus as well as the right skills.
Involved in a crash? See how the experienced Kissimmee motorcycle accident lawyers at Draper Law Office can assist you. We’ll help you get the financial help you need and deserve. Call our office at (407) 743-6628 or fill out the online form to schedule a free consultation.