Kissimmee Woman Dies In Fatal Crash After Fleeing Hit-And-Run

A 24-year-old Kissimmee woman is dead after a series of events that unfolded around approximately 1:00 a.m. on Old Lake Wilson Road, and which culminated in a fatal car wreck claiming her life. According to the Florida Highway Patrol, the 24-year-old woman was involved in a minor accident on Old Lake Wilson Road near Sinclair Road and fled the scene, before colliding with a metal pole at a high speed on Old Lake Wilson Road by Spine Road. It is believed she was traveling at such a high rate of speed to flee the initial accident, and then lost control of the vehicle. However, police continue to investigate the causes of both accidents. Although no one was injured in the initial accident and the damage is said to have been minor, it is still against the law to knowingly leave the scene of an accident in Florida. Additionally, she is believed to have been speeding at the time of the crash. Police stated that the woman was wearing a seatbelt, but still died upon impact. She was declared dead when police arrived at the scene. Police have not said whether they believe intoxication or any other issues were a factor in the crash, and they did not speak to what may have caused the driver to lose control of the vehicle beyond the high speed at which she was believed to have been traveling.
Suing for Hit-and-Run Accidents
Hit-and-run accidents are far too common. Unfortunately, they are also one of the most frustrating kinds of accidents to try and seek compensation for. This is because in order to sue someone for negligence, you have to know who they are. Although a hit-and-run driver does make an excellent prima facie case for negligence, as by breaking the law they have breached their duty of care to all other drivers on the road, it can be hard to identify them. If you know the identity of the driver, it will be easy to bring a personal injury lawsuit against them to claim compensation for any injuries that you suffered as a result of the crash. If you do not know their identity, there may still be legal remedies available to you. For instance, there may have been security cameras or other drivers with dashcam footage of the accident or the police may be able to locate them. In other cases, there may have been other parties who contributed to causing your crash aside from the driver who fled. This would allow you to bring a personal injury lawsuit against the known parties regardless of whether you were able to identify the driver. This could occur in cases where a third driver caused the fleeing driver to collide with you, or where a third-party, such as the local government, failed to properly maintain traffic signs and signals such that they were not sufficiently visible and contributed to causing the crash. An experienced Florida auto accident attorney will assess the specific facts and circumstances of your case to determine the best possible strategy for you.
Talk to Draper Law Offices
If you have been in a wreck and you are struggling to get the compensation that you are entitled to, the experienced Kissimmee auto accident attorneys at Draper Law Offices are ready to fight to get you the maximum amount of compensation that you are entitled to. Contact Draper Law Offices today for a free consultation.