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Know Your Rights If You’ve Been Injured In A Slip and Fall Accident

Know Your Rights If You've Been Injured In A Slip and Fall AccidentThe term Slip and Fall is used to cover a variety of accidents. Personal injury accidents often involve slipping and falling. In general, a slip and fall is any time a person falls after losing their balance or footing, and is injured while on property owned by another person or entity.

Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere – supermarkets, shopping centers, restaurants, hotels, theme parks, apartment complexes, or even in private homes. There are a number of types of slip and fall accidents, including:

  • Slip and fall: where an object or slippery liquid causes the fall.
  • Trip and fall: where a person falls over an object in their path, or trips on an uneven surface.
  • Step and fall: where a person falls due to a hole or low spot where they are walking.

Of course people are often injured in falls, but when the injury is caused by the misconduct, negligence, or other failure of another, the injured party may be entitled to compensation.

Some of the most common slip and fall accidents in Central Florida happen when a person:

  • Slips on water or an unknown substance within a supermarket, shopping center, or other business.
  • Steps in a hole in one of these business’ parking lots.
  • Trips due to an elevation change in the path’s surface – for example, there may be uneven stepping stones leading into an apartment complex or private home.

Know Your Rights If You’ve Been Injured In A Slip and Fall Accident

Property owners are under various duties and obligations aimed at keeping their guests and patrons safe from harm.

Compensation For Injuries

If you or a loved one has been involved in a slip and fall, trip and fall, or step and fall accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Compensation in a slip and fall case may include recovery of your medical bills, as well as lost wages and other related expenses.

In the case of serious injuries, you might also be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering, physical impairment, scarring or disfigurement you might experience due to the accident, as well as diminished capacity for the enjoyment of life.

Wrongful Death Cases

If a loved one has passed due to a slip and fall accident, the survivors may be entitled to some form of compensation for medical and funeral expenses, as well as for the recovery of damages for mental pain and suffering, loss of support and services, and loss of the decedent’s companionship. Learn more in our article Wrongful Death Explained.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a slip and fall accident, contact us to schedule a free consultation. We are here to help you get the compensation you deserve. The team at Draper Law Office will strive to help you receive the most compensation possible under Florida law for your medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses that can occur after an accident. We invite you to learn more about our firm here.

With offices in Kissimmee, and Orlando, we are proud to serve clients throughout Osceola County and Orange County, FL.

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