KPD to monitor rail crossings as part of nationwide railroad safety effort, “Operation Clear Track”

Nearly 2000 serious injuries and deaths occur each year in the U.S. around railroad tracks and trains, and the Kissimmee Police Department is joining with other law enforcement agencies nationally in rail safety initiative “Operation Clear Track” which takes place September 20-26.
Coordinated by Amtrak and Operation Lifesaver Inc., the operation’s focus is to reduce the number of injuries and deaths that take place near our railroads and to raise awareness of the importance of making safe choices near railroad tracks and trains.
During the operation, KPD will be stationed at the tracks off of Neptune Road in order to share safety tips and enforce crossing and trespassing laws as well as to write warnings and citations for those violating the laws.
For more information about Rail Safety Week. Operation Clear Track and other rail safety initiatives and tips. Visit