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Potential Complications of a Dog Bite

Potential Complications of a Dog BiteA dog bite victim does not always feel the impact of the bite immediately. Immediate effects of a dog bite include heavy bleeding, soft tissue damage, and broken bones, all of which can be physically very painful. Depending on the nature of the bite, the victim may need emergency medical attention. When this is not the case, he or she should receive first aid followed by a timely examination by a doctor.

Dog bites can have long-term complications as well. These complications are not immediately apparent and in some cases, do not develop in the victim until days or weeks after the bite. Below are a few of the complications a dog bite victim can suffer. In any dog bite case, the victim can reduce his or her chance of facing complications by receiving prompt, appropriate medical care. Sometimes, this can prevent a complication entirely and in other cases, it can significantly reduce the severity of the complications he or she does suffer.

Nerve Damage

When a dog bites a victim, its teeth tear through layers of skin. These layers contain nerves and their endings, the portions of nerve fibers that allow the victim to feel sensations through the skin like pain, pressure, heat, and vibration. When nerve endings are damaged, the victim can lose sensation in the affected area of the body. This can make it easier for him or her to be burned and suffer other injuries because of the inhibited or destroyed pain response.


With a dog bite, infections are always a concern. This is why dog bite victims are advised to clean out their wounds and apply antiseptic ointment to their injuries every day following the bite. A bite can transfer harmful bacteria from a dog’s mouth to a human victim’s body, putting him or her at risk of suffering an infection and its complications, like sepsis.


A dog bite can severely change the way a victim’s face looks. Disfigurement can be caused by scars, broken bones, and tissue damage. Sometimes, it results from two or more of these types of damage.


When your bite heals, there will likely be a scar in its place. Scars occur when new collagen fibers develop after the dermis, the layer of tissue beneath the skin’s surface, is damaged. Scars can be ugly and embarrassing, causing a bite victim to suffer emotional trauma.


It is very rare, but not impossible, for a victim to contract rabies from a dog bite. If the dog’s owner cannot provide documentation that shows the dog is up to date on its rabies shots, you will need to be vaccinated against rabies.

Work with Draper Law Office to Pursue your Dog Bite Damages

If you were bitten by a dog, you could be entitled to recover monetary compensation for your related damages through a dog bite claim. To learn more, contact our team at Draper Law Office online or by calling 866-767-4711 today to schedule your initial legal consultation with us.

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