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Researchers Found Drivers Still Distracted After Putting Their Phones Down

Researchers Found Drivers Still Distracted After Putting Their Phones DownAs our technology increases, our roads are becoming less safe. In 2016, an estimated 40,000 people died in car crashes. This is a 6% increase over the number of people who died in car crashes in 2015, and a shocking 14% over the number of people who died in car crashes in 2014.

A study conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic & Safety, found that drivers can experience a “hangover effect” after using voice-to-text features on their cell phones. Drivers can stay distracted for up to 27 seconds after putting their cell phones down.

This finding demonstrates that drivers are still distracted after putting their phones down. The study found the mind can stay distracted for up to 27 seconds after using certain cell phone features.

Even when a driver is parked or stopped at a red light while using their phone, they remain distracted when the car starts moving again. In an interview with CNBC ‘s “On the Money,” Robert Sinclair, Manager of Media Relations for AAA-Northeast said, “The level of distraction gets so bad that a person gets in the zone where it’s ‘inattention blindness’ … where you’re looking at the road but you’re not seeing what’s in front of you. We’re talking about pedestrians, cyclists, other cars, red lights, stop signs, those sorts of things.”

Many cars now come equipped with technology that is meant to help drivers better manage the use of their phones while driving. This technology includes hand-free talking and user friendly navigation systems. Though, Sinclair said “There’s no technology, that we’re aware of right now, that would enable you to do these functions while you’re driving safety.

2016 was the deadliest year on American roads in nearly a decade. We now understand that even checking a quick text can distract our minds for up to 27 second. It is up to all of us to avoid distractions while we’re driving, and keep all of us safe on our roads.

If you were involved in an auto accident in Florida that you suspect may have been the result of distracted driving, call our office today 866-767-4711 to schedule a free consultation.

Distracted drivers who cause accidents should be held responsible for their actions. The experienced personal injury attorneys of Draper Law Office are available to help answer your questions and begin the process of seeking justice in your car accident case.

Draper Law Office proudly serves clients throughout Central Florida, including Kissimmee, and Orlando, and Osceola County and Orange County, FL.

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