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Social Media and Your Family Law Case

Social Media and Your Family Law CaseToday social media is more ingrained in American culture than ever before. Millions of people make daily use of forums such as Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook to share personal details about themselves with their networks. When a social media user is going through a significant event such as a divorce or custody battle, their first inclination may be to post the details on these accounts. However, sharing information about your family law dispute on social media can be extremely damaging. Here is what you need to know about social media and your family law case:

Social Media Accounts are Not Private

A common misconception is that social media posts are entirely private and therefore content from them cannot be used in court. This is just not true. You have no expectation of privacy on social media. Additionally, what you post can be copied and shared by anyone included in your network. Your contacts have access to your posts and can do anything with this information including sharing it with their networks and the other party in your case. Make no mistake; this information can be used as evidence against you during your family law case. Further, if you have posted anything which looks potentially incriminating remove this material immediately. Older content can also be extracted and used against you.

Using Social Media While Your Case is Active

The best way to protect yourself is to completely stop using social media during your case. Disabling or deleting all of your accounts is the ideal way to ensure your content will be inaccessible. If you must continue using your social media accounts, adjust your security settings to the most restrictive levels right away and refrain from posting anything personal or which expresses an extreme opinion. Posting information about your state of mind, any new relationships, a divorce, or your children, while your case is pending is highly inadvisable. In other words, stay silent and keep this information to yourself. You should also ask friends and family to be extremely careful in their own posts as they pertain to you.

It is essential to be aware that during divorce you and your former spouse are legal adversaries. Sometimes during this process, even the most seemingly inoffensive content taken out of context can be harmful to you. However, by being cautious with your social media use and defensive with your information, you can help safeguard your case.

Another critical part of protecting yourself during divorce is having the right attorney to advise you. The experienced attorneys at the Draper Law Firm have the knowledge and expertise you need to navigate your divorce successfully. Please contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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