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Taking Advice During Divorce: Be Careful

Taking Advice During Divorce: Be CarefulGoing through a divorce can be disorienting and emotionally devastating. Making important choices about your case in the middle of enduring these problematic emotions can be challenging. Reaching out to trusted family and friends to gain perspective and get support is a natural reaction to such a stressful circumstance. However, it is essential to your case that you are careful when taking advice from others during your divorce.

Having supportive loved ones to lean on during divorce can be critical. Their presence and willingness to listen can provide you with comfort and peace during this often turbulent period. Many of these caring people will have opinions about your divorce. While these loved ones may offer well-intended advice, remember their ideas are going to be coming from their own understandings and experiences. Each divorce is as individualized as the people involved. What was right for a loved one’s case may not be the best decision for your circumstances. You also must keep in mind that divorce is a legal process which requires the professional skills and abilities of knowledgeable counsel. As such, well-meaning recommendations by friends and family are not a substitute for the reasoned advice of a family law attorney.

Your support system is likely to be comprised of the people who love and know you better than anyone else. Those who are beside you during the darkest and most difficult parts of your divorce will no doubt develop feelings of their own about the situation and your former partner. As people who are on your side, they are likely to be more focused on being there for you and less about keeping a neutral perspective. Therefore, it is important to remember that while you loved ones may offer empathy, they may not be emotionally detached enough from the situation to provide you with the balanced advice you need.

Supportive loved ones are essential resources to have during your divorce. They can be grounding at a time when you feel like everything is out of control. However, when it comes to accepting recommendations regarding how to proceed with your case, it is vital to obtain your legal counsel from an experienced family law attorney.

At the Draper Law Firm, we understand the challenges divorce brings to a person’s life and can provide you with the balanced viewpoint and advice you need during your case. We are here for you and can help. Please contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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