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Types of Car Accident Injuries and How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

auto accident attorney KissimmeeWhile the circumstances of each car accident may be very different, the types of injuries usually fall into one of several main categories. The severity of the injury will affect how much you can expect to be compensated for them, but an experienced car accident attorney can help you make sure you receive the compensation you deserve.


One of the most common auto accident injuries, especially when someone is rear-ended, whiplash happens when there’s a sudden abnormal distortion of the neck caused by excessive acceleration or deceleration. Whiplash can be difficult to prove because there’s no empirical medical test that proves it, only symptoms the doctor will recognize as whiplash, so it’s important everything regarding this injury is well documented, especially if the severity of your injury is called into question.

Back Injuries

Car accidents, especially those at high speeds, can cause trauma to the soft tissue, bone or muscle. Even relatively minor back injuries can have long-lasting effects. Major injuries can be devastating and change someone’s life forever. It’s imperative with back injuries that you not only receive compensation for immediate treatment, but anything you may need in the future.

Head Injuries

Head injuries are probably the scariest because they can cause trauma to the brain, resulting in permanent injuries that have the potential to completely disrupt someone’s life forever. They can also be severe enough to require long-term treatment; even putting people in a coma. People who sustain serious head injuries will likely require some kind of ongoing treatment or lifestyle modification that must be part of your original claim.

Fractured or Broken Bones

Fractures and broken bones are expensive and take a very long time to heal. While they’re often considered less dangerous than other injuries, they do have the potential to lead to serious complications and permanent damage.


If the vehicle catches fire during the accident, the occupants may also suffer burns. They are often permanently disfiguring in ways that can destroy someone’s life as they know it. Anytime burns are a possibility, there’s also the possibility of lung damage from smoke inhalation and other fire-related injuries.

Sadly, many of these injuries can also lead to death.

Why You May Need a Car Accident Attorney

Simply put, personal injury lawyers exist solely to protect and fight for your interests. Insurance companies make money by collecting premiums from their customers and not paying claims.

Negotiating with high-powered insurance company lawyers will test anyone’s mettle, even already very skilled negotiators, because the simple fact is, these lawyers know how to work a system they know inside and out — and you should have someone on your side who can anticipate their next move and be prepared to counter it and push back for more money.

Even in a no-fault state like Florida, where you’re expected to make the claim on your own insurance, they’re no more likely than someone else’s insurance to pay out the claims in the amounts you truly deserve and need. In fact, much of the reason insurance companies support no-fault laws is because it usually means you’re only able to sue for pain and suffering if you meet certain criteria the law establishes, making it even more important you get all the money coming to you from the claim.

The good news is, this does mean that unless you’re seriously injured, you’ll probably be able to settle out of court. The bad news is, that doesn’t mean it’s less complicated or that you’re automatically going to get the money you’re entitled to (regardless of what your policy says).

Even in a no-fault state, an attorney can help you:

  • Go through your personal injury protection (PIP) policy with a fine tooth comb to outline all of the compensation you’re due
  • Ensure you’ve collected any and all bills related to your injury (even those you may not think to obtain or wait for)
  • Consult medical professionals to ensure your injuries won’t require ongoing expenditure you need covered (and advise you whether suing for additional money or pain and suffering is in your best interests if you qualify under the law)
  • Prevent insurance companies from making erroneous claims about the severity of your injury, the necessity of certain treatments recommended by your doctor, the true source of the injury, etc.
  • Ensure you’re paid appropriately for time off work, property damage and repair or replacements or rentals (depending on what your PIP covers)
  • Make sure you don’t lose out on claims by allowing the statute of limitations to expire

If you’ve been injured in a car accident in the Kissimmee, Florida, area, contact the experienced car accident attorneys at Draper Law Offices at 866-767-4711 for a free, no-obligation consultation.

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