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Understanding the Mediation Process in Divorce

Understanding the Mediation Process in DivorceThe Florida Rules of Family Law require that parties to a divorce attempt mediation. Mediation is a process where both parties attempt to reach mutual agreement on disputed issues with the assistance of a mediator, who is a neutral third party. In special or unusual circumstances the judge has the power to waive the mediation requirement, though this rarely happens.

Successful medication can have profound advantages, such as costing significantly less than the court process and resulting in an outcome that is satisfactory for both parties. Mediation helps people complete the divorce process without a court fight.

Understanding the Medication Process in Florida Divorce

The parties may be represented by attorneys through the mediation process, or can represent themselves. We recommend that each party have a family law attorney help them through the mediation process. There is a lot that goes in to preparing for mediation, including preparing a summary of your issues and relevant attachments for the mediator’s review prior to the mediation meeting. When mediation is properly prepared for, it has a higher likelihood of success.

The mediation will start with all parties together, or in separate meetings between the mediator and each party. The mediator will help both parties address each issue, with the goal of reaching an agreement on every issue in the case. If an agreement can be reached, the mediator will then draft a Settlement Agreement for the case. The Settlement Agreement is to be signed by both parties and the presented to the judge. From there the judge may issue a Final Judgment in your dissolution of marriage case, in accordance with the Settlement Agreement.

Florida Divorce Attorney

Divorce, even when both spouses are in agreement, can be a confusing and emotional time. We encourage you to find the right attorney to help guide you through the legal process.

The outcome in every dissolution case is different. There is no standard dissolution of marriage in Florida, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The circumstances and facts in every case are unique. Getting the right details settled during the divorce is an important issue that impacts family members, possibly for years to come. Here at Draper Law Office we strive to make the process as smooth as possible, and ensure that the terms are settled in a way that works for the parties and their children.

At Draper Law Office we handle uncontested and contested divorce cases. To learn more about the dissolution of marriage process, contact us or call 866-767-4711 to schedule a consultation.

Draper Law Office proudly serves clients throughout Central Florida, including Kissimmee, and Orlando,and Osceola County and Orange County, FL.

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