Repair Shop Issues
So you’ve had an accident, because of someone else’s reckless behavior. You -and your car – have both seen better days…
You know the other driver’s insurance company will do it’s best to pay out as little as possible for the repairs, but Orlando area personal injury attorney Charlie Draper says remember, you still have rights.
For instance, you are entitled to choose your own repair shop, rather than the one approved by the insurance company.
But here’s the difference, if you use the insurance company’s approved body shop, and your car wasn’t fixed properly, the insurance company will insist the job be done correctly.
But, if you take it to a body shop of your choosing and it wasn’t repaired in a workman- like manner or if there is something new that’s not related to the accident your on your own with your own repair shop if you’ve been injured in a crash that was someone else’s fault, you should focus on your healing, and let draper law office help you with the rest. Call today or visit
Remember in times of need you can trust Draper Law Office.