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What does PIP Cover?

What does PIP Cover?In Florida, drivers are required to carry personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. This is a portion of the driver’s automobile insurance policy that covers his or her financial damages related to injuries sustained in accidents regardless of which driver was at fault for the accident. This type of insurance is known as “no fault” car insurance. Unlike a personal injury claim, an injured driver does not have to demonstrate that another party was at fault for the injury in order to recover compensation.

PIP Coverage Limits

PIP coverage compensates injured drivers at the following rates:

  • 80 percent of medical expenses. These include prescription costs and out-of-pocket medical expenses the victim faces. Unless the driver suffered a “serious medical condition,” he or she cannot receive more than $2,500 in medical cost benefits;
  • 60 percent of the claimant’s lost wages; and
  • Mileage reimbursement for the driver’s medical appointments.

This compensation is paid after the driver pays his or her applicable deductibles. A driver may also only recover compensation for medical treatment if he or she sought treatment within 14 days of the accident. In total, a driver can recover up to $10,000 in PIP benefits unless he or she chose to buy extended PIP benefits.

PIP also provides up to $5,000 worth of death benefits when a victim dies in a car accident. This is in addition to any medical or disability coverage received through a claim.

When you can File a Personal Injury Claim in Florida

If you suffered a severe, permanent injury because of another driver’s negligence, you can file a personal injury claim to seek compensation for your damages from the at-fault driver. With this type of claim, you must demonstrate that the other driver was at fault and that his or her negligence directly caused your injury and resulting damages. A few examples of injuries that can qualify a Florida driver for a personal injury claim include:

  • Paralysis;
  • Limb amputation;
  • Disfigurement; and
  • Traumatic brain injury.

Our Team at Draper Law Office can Help you Pursue Compensation After a Car Accident

If you were injured in a car accident, seek the medical attention you need for your injuries as soon as you can. Then, speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer about whether you will need to seek compensation in excess of what your PIP policy covers. To learn more, schedule your free, no-obligation consultation with our team at Draper Law Office today by calling us at 866-767-4711 or visiting our firm online.

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