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What to do After You Slip and Fall

What t o do after you Slip and FallYou never know when you could be involved in a slip and fall accident. These types of accidents can happen in everyday places such as shopping malls or grocery stores or even in someone else’s home. In some cases, a significant fall can result in severe injuries and may be the result of another’s negligence. Here are some actions to take after a slip and fall:

Get Medical Attention

It is important to seek appropriate medical attention following an accident where you sustain an injury. If you have fallen and are unable to move without experiencing pain, have someone call for emergency assistance. If your fall results in an injury, but you can move, make arrangements to see a qualified medical professional as soon as possible to evaluate your injuries. Your health needs to be your first priority.

Gather Information

If you or someone with you are able, get statements from anyone who may have witnessed the accident and their contact information. Take photographs of the condition which caused your fall. For instance, if you were in a shopping center and slipped in spilled food or liquids, take photos of the material and the area around the hazard. You will also want to record your injuries by photo or video. Recovering damages for this type of injury often comes down to the evidence available. The more you can do at the scene at the time of the incident the better your chances will be of preserving critical information.

Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

If you have been seriously injured in a slip and fall accident, you may not be able to gather the right information due to being hurt, not knowing what to look for, or because the entity responsible will not permit you access to essential data. There may be surveillance video footage and other critical records which you need to present your case. An experienced personal injury attorney knows what will be necessary for you to successfully recover damages from the responsible party. This will mean knowing how to get essential evidence and use it to present a complete picture for the court. Without experienced counsel, you run the risk of being denied the compensation you need to recover.

Determining negligence in a slip and fall case requires a thorough evaluation of multiple factors. If you have has been injured due to a fall, you need to speak with a personal injury attorney right away to assess your case. At the Draper Firm, we have knowledgeable and experienced personal injury attorneys who understand the issues which arise during a slip and fall accident case. We are here for you and can help. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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