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What to Do if you are Injured in a Bicycle Accident

What to Do if you are Injured in a Bicycle AccidentIf you are involved in a bicycle accident, pull off the road to a safe area immediately. If you or another party needs emergency medical care, call 911 to have an ambulance sent to the scene. Otherwise, use this time to gather the evidence you will need later if you choose to file a personal injury claim. In most cases, injury victims actually seek compensation from their own insurance providers, rather than the negligent parties’ providers, because of Florida’s no-fault insurance system. However, there are cases where a personal injury claim is the correct course of action, such as accidents where the victim suffers severe injuries or disfigurement.

Take a Lot of Pictures

Get your cell phone out and take as many photos of the scene and your injury as possible. Get photos of the area where the collision occurred, the condition of your bicycle, your injuries, and the license plate of the vehicle involved in the accident. If your accident did not involve a vehicle, get photographs of the cause of the accident, such as the poorly maintained pathway where you fell.

Call the Police

Fill out an official police report for your accident. This document will serve as an important piece of evidence to support your claim later because it contains the date, time, and location of the accident as well as important details like whether any laws were broken in the course of your accident.

Get the Driver’s Insurance Information

Even though you were on a bicycle when the accident occurred, you may still seek compensation from your own automobile insurance provider through a personal injury protection (PIP) claim. But take the other party’s insurance information anyway in case you need to file a claim with their provider.

Seek Medical Attention for your Injury

After the accident, your next step should be to receive appropriate medical care as soon as possible. Follow your doctor’s instructions for your treatment to help yourself make a quick, complete recovery. Failing to seek medical care in a timely manner or failing to follow your doctor’s instructions can have a negative impact on your claim.

Consider Seeking Compensation for your Damages

After you have received medical care, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer to discuss your rights and options for seeking compensation for your damages. He or she can evaluate your claim and determine whether it is grounds for a PIP claim or a personal injury claim.

Work with an Experienced Florida Personal Injury Lawyer

A bicycle accident can cause a victim to suffer severe injuries. These injuries can be expensive, and if your accident was caused by another party’s negligence, you should not have to be the one to repay them. Contact Draper Law Office today to set up your free, no-obligation consultation in one of our two Central Florida offices. Call us today at 866-767-4711.

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