What To Know About Rollover Accidents

Of all types of car accidents, rollover crashes are some of the most dangerous. A rollover accident occurs when the vehicle tips or flips over onto its side or roof. Although rollovers occur in just 3% of all crashes, they account for 30% of fatal car accidents.
While any vehicle can roll over, vehicles with a high center of gravity, like an SUV or van, have the highest risk. Auto manufacturers have done a lot to help make their vehicles safer. Technology and improvements such as better vehicle design, rollover avoidance, and enhanced safety systems are in place to reduce accidents and injuries. However, fatalities still occur due to a lack of seatbelt use. Not everyone wears a seatbelt, increasing a person’s risk of getting tossed around in the event of a rollover accident. This can lead to serious accidents and even death.
Causes of Rollover Accidents
Rollover accidents are often caused by balance issues. For example, sideways forces that occur when a vehicle goes around a curve can shift the center of gravity to one side. This can cause the vehicle to go off balance and flip over. Speed and rapid changes of direction can also cause rollovers. For example, a driver may make a sharp turn one way and then overcorrect the other way, causing a loss of control.
However, most rollover accidents are caused by “tripping” on something, such as a curb, pothole, or shoulder. It is often said that tire grip plays a role in rollovers as well. In an ideal world, your vehicle would always grip the road with all four wheels on the ground. However, too much tire grip can allow for too much sideway force to build up, causing the vehicle to flip over. If you lose too much grip, though, you may end up sliding. Generally, though, sliding is better than tipping over.
Preventing Rollovers
Prevent rollovers with these tips:
- Wear seat belts at all times. Seat belts help keep you in place so you are not tossed around in a crash. A large number of rollover fatalities occur when occupants are ejected from the vehicle.
- Check the tires. Make sure all the tires are in good shape and properly inflated to the vehicle manufacturer’s specifications.
- Watch your speed. About 40% of fatal rollovers involve excessive speed, as going too fast makes it easier to lose control.
- Watch the load. Overloading a vehicle decreases its stability. Avoid putting heavy loads on the roof. Keep cargo low on the floor and close to the center of the vehicle.
Contact Us Today
Rollover accidents can be dangerous or even deadly in nature. While most modern vehicles have safety features that can avoid these crashes, they can still occur due to someone’s negligence.
Contact the Kissimmee auto accident lawyers at Draper Law Office for help with your rollover crash. We have helped many Florida residents and visitors with their cases. Schedule a free consultation by filling out the online form or calling our office at (407) 743-6628.