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Where Should I Go To File For Divorce In Florida?

Listen as Florida attorney Linda Gruszynski explains where to go to file for divorce in Florida.

If you want to file for divorce, you have to go to the circuit courts. There are 20 different circuits in the State of Florida.

To know to which circuit court you have to go to, it depends on whether you are still sharing a residence with your spouse, or if the spouse and your children live in a different location. If the latter is your situation, you will have to go to the nearest circuit court where your spouse and your children live.

Another variable to divorce cases involves whether both parties are in agreement, which would be an uncontested divorce. In an uncontested divorce, you both already agree to sign a settlement. In that case, you can pick the circuit most convenient for both of you. It could be any of them.

If one of the parties owns a home or property that is out-of-state, then Florida’s courts do not have jurisdiction or authority to dictate and make decisions over this property. Watch the video to learn more.

If you have additional questions regarding the process for divorce, call the experienced Kissimmee divorce attorneys of Draper Law Offices at 407-846-0075. I welcome your call.

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