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Why are Second Marriages More Likely to End in Divorce than First Marriages?

Why are Second Marriages More Likely to End in Divorce than First Marriages?It can sound disheartening, especially if you have been divorced and you are now in a new relationship, but it is the truth: an individual’s second or subsequent marriage is more likely to end in divorce than his or her first marriage.

There are numerous reasons why this is the case. A few of these reasons have the same root cause: people tend to have more baggage when they enter a second marriage than they had when they entered their first marriage. They might have children from the first marriage, debt from the first marriage or an alimony order to a former partner, or simply negative feelings about marital conflict from what they experienced during the first marriage.

This does not mean all second and subsequent marriages are doomed to fail. When an individual recognizes the unique challenges in his or her marriage and addresses them appropriately, his or her second marriage can be more successful than the first. Below are three common reasons why second and later marriages end in divorce.

When Children are Involved, a Second Marriage is a Complex Merge

When one or both partners in a marriage already have children, the marriage brings more than just the couple together. It brings their children together too and with them, a relationship with their other parent. Beyond the transition of bringing a new adult and potentially, his or her children into a household, existing legal orders like parenting plans and child support orders can put continual strain on a new marriage. Conflicts between the spouses and their former partners regarding the children can become additional sources of stress, potentially pushing the marriage to end in divorce.

Often, Old Patterns Arise in New Marriages

Unless an individual worked hard to eliminate the behaviors that led to the end of his or her first marriage, these behaviors can arise again in his or her second marriage and create a new destructive pattern that ultimately leads to a second divorce. Destructive behaviors that can destroy marriages include:

  • Using money irresponsibly;
  • Addictions. This could be excessive drinking, gambling, drug use, shopping, or any other addictive behavior, including prioritizing one’s job over his or her spouse and family;
  • Infidelity;
  • Poor conflict resolution skills; and
  • Behaving in a jealous or controlling manner toward one’s spouse.

When Divorce is Familiar, it can Seem Easier

When difficulties arise in a second marriage, the couple often considers divorce sooner than they each did during their first marriages. This is because divorce feels familiar and the couple knows what to expect from the process. When divorce does not feel “scary” because of the unknown, a couple can be quicker to consider it instead of working to save their marriage.

For Compassionate, Driven Divorce Representation, Work with Draper Law Office

If you are considering filing for divorce, first discuss your circumstances and goals with an experienced divorce lawyer. To get started, call Draper Law Office at 866-767-4711 or visit our firm online to set up your initial legal consultation in one of our two convenient office locations: Kissimmee, and Orlando.

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