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Why Is The At-Fault Insurance Paying For My Car But Not My Injury?

Listen as Florida attorney Michelle Incandela explains the differences between property damage insurance, personal injury and bodily injury protection.

The law in Florida requires drivers to have two kinds of insurance: property damage insurance and personal injury protection (PIP), each in the amount of $10,000.The property damage insurance covers the car damages of the person insured.The personal injury protection covers the medical bills of the person paying the insurance with an additional $10,000. It does not cover injuries of a 2nd driver in car accident cases.

At this point, people may think that they have full coverage insurance. The common mistake is to think that if you have a car accident, the at-fault driver’s insurance company will pay. This is often not the case.

There is a 3rd type of coverage that you can have. In the State of Florida, is optional, and it is called bodily injury coverage. This is the insurance that pays for the injuries that you may have caused to a 2nd driver, in the case that you cause an auto accident.

There is one more important way you can protect yourself in these kinds of situations. You can purchase uninsured motorist coverage. Watch the video to learn more.

If you have additional questions, call the experienced Kissimmee personal injury attorneys of Draper Law Offices at 407-846-0075. I welcome your call. Visit our educational website, where you can view more videos and media content from our law firm.

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