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Why you Shouldn’t Start Dating Until After your Divorce is Finalized

Why you Shouldn't Start Dating Until After your Divorce is FinalizedSome people are not ready to date again until years after their divorces are finalized. Others want to start dating before they even begin the divorce process. When you are ready to date again depends largely on the circumstances of your divorce and your own personality. But even if you feel you are ready to start dating before the divorce is finalized, doing so is usually not a good idea.

If you and your spouse are on amicable terms and working cooperatively to complete your divorce, you might be in a position to start dating again. But in most cases, it is usually best to wait until you are no longer married – dating again can make emotions run high and drive your divorce off course, costing you money and putting you into a very stressful position.

Technically, It is Adultery

If you are still married, dating another person is an act of adultery. This is true regardless of how you feel about your spouse, how your spouse feels about you, and how close you are to finalizing your divorce. Although adultery does not impact your divorce settlement in most cases, your spouse can potentially argue that you spent marital funds on your affair partner, which can lead to the court considering this when dividing your assets.

Being known as somebody who commits adultery can also hurt your social reputation. Even though you have begun the divorce process, word travels via mouth and social media without considering the nuances of the situation. You can find yourself facing criticism from your peers, which can affect you at work and in your community.

Statements and Images can be Taken Out of Context and Used Against you

Although adultery generally does not impact child custody arrangements, your spouse can potentially use images and statements of you and your new partner to argue that time with you is not in your children’s best interest. He or she might claim that your children have a bad relationship with your partner or that you prioritize your new relationship over your relationship with the children.

Even if none of the above occurs, it is still best to avoid dating until your divorce is final if you are a parent. Divorce is stressful for children and now is the time for you to be their emotional rock. If you do choose to date again, move slowly in the relationship and do not introduce your new partner to your children until the relationship is stable and committed.

Draper Law Office can Help you Complete the Divorce in a Timely Manner so you Can Get Back to Dating

You should not rush through the divorce process just so you can date again, but you also want to move onto the next stage in your life in a timely manner. When you work with Draper Law Office, we make an affordable, timely divorce for you our top priority. Visit our firm online or call us at 866-767-4711 today to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation in one of our two Central Florida offices.

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