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Why your Divorce will Not be the Same as your Friend’s Divorce

Why your Divorce will Not be the Same as your Friend's DivorceWhen you are going through a divorce, you will probably turn to your divorced friends to ask them about their divorces to gain insight about the process and what you can expect. Although you can certainly seek advice and general information about the divorce process from a friend, do not assume that his or her experience will be your experience. Every divorce is different because every marriage and the circumstances that end it are unique. Your divorce can be more complicated, more expensive, or more contentious than your friend’s, or it can be just the opposite. No matter what, it will be different.

Even when the Issues are the Same, the Circumstances are Different

If you and your friend both have children, you might ask about child support or creating a parenting plan. Remember, though, that there are a lot of factors that go into determining these orders. Your child support order is based on your income and your spouse’s. Your parenting plan is based on what the court determines to be in your child’s best interest. There is no specific formula for determining a parenting plan – rather, the court considers factors like each parent’s health, the child’s personal needs, each parent’s income, and in some cases, the child’s preference.

You will have Different Lawyers

Even if you do work with the same lawyer who represented your friend through his or her divorce, there is no guarantee that your divorce settlement will be identical to your friend’s. If you work with a different lawyer, expect your lawyer to have different views and ways to working with clients. If both lawyers have a strong record of successful settlements for their clients, one is not “better” than the other. One could, however, be a better fit for you.

You and your Spouse are Not your Friend and Their Spouse

Your relationships are different. Your friend might have been able to complete a collaborative divorce with his or her former partner, but you might feel more comfortable ending your marriage through litigation.

There is more to your divorce than your feelings toward each other. You and your spouse have different assets and financial needs than your friend, which means your marital property will be divided differently.

Work with Draper Law Office to Handle your Unique Divorce

Never compare your marriage or divorce to another person’s marriage or divorce. You do not know the issues at play behind the scenes in their life or the issues that will arise in your own. Focus on your own divorce by working with a proactive, experienced divorce lawyer who can be your advocate. Contact Draper Law Office today online or at 866-767-4711 to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation with a member of our team.

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